July 2012 Moms

Dear Neighbor....eff off!

Today was a first.  My older son threw one of his ships down the stairs and it landed next to the baby waking him.  So of course I started to yell.  I'm a bigger yeller.  I yell over hitting.  Then I walk into the bathroom while in the middle of telling DS 1 to clean only to find DS2 unrolling the tp! More yelling that it's nap time.  We all calmed down and were watching caliou before nap when my doorbell rings.  I'm in the middle of nursing so I have to stop.  Only to open the door to see a cop! Yup, my neighbor called the cops.  The cop said they called because they heard yelling and kids screaming.  I told hi, the story and said sorry for him being called out for that.

Now I can't stop crying because I know my anxiety has been high with the first 2 kids but who's isn't with a 2 & 3 year old?  I'm also so pissed that my neighbor would call.  They are new and just moved in a week ago.  Now I'm worried I'll have DCFS on my door next because of this.  I don't hit my kids, just a spank on the bottom if needed.  Plus, I feel like I am the worst mother in the world.  Who gets the cops called on them? Maybe I am a horrible person , I don't know.  But thank you a$$ hole neighbor for making me feel like a sh!tty person.  


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