
RCS question and when you got to hold your baby

I had an unplanned emergency c-section with ds and the whole experience was very traumatic.  Luckily everything turned out fine and he was healthy, but when he came out he needed to remain under the heat lamp for quite some time and I remember crying for the nurses to bring him to me.  So my question is, with a RCS (which I will be getting in mid Feb) do you get to hold your baby right away after you're sewn up?  Was the heat lamp thing a unique situation or is that the norm? 

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

BFP#1 - EDD 8/5/10, DS arrived 7/24/10 via emergency c-section.

BFP#2 - EDD 2/23/13, sweet baby girl born sleeping on 10/4/12 at 19 weeks, 3 days.

BFP #3 - EDD 10/1/13, natural mc on 2/2/13 at 5 weeks, 4 days.

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