July 2012 Moms

MIL and pictures of LO

This isn't really a rant, more of an I don't know how to feel in this situation...

MIL doesn't get to see Oliver very often, maybe 1-2 times a month. I try to text her pictures and make sure she's updated on weight gain and all that stuff, she gets really excited about it. She can be a little much sometimes, which is why she texts me for that stuff. She used to text/call DH more but she does it SO often that he ignores her a lot of the time. So most communication is on me. And I don't mean call once a week and a few texts, I mean 5-10 texts in one hour and a call at least once a day.

Anyway, she asked for a picture yesterday so I texted one to her. This morning I got an email from her with like 15 responses from her friends and their reactions to the picture. I'm not really angry or annoyed, I guess I just feel weird that all of her coworkers and church friends get emailed pictures of my son.

Would that bother you? 

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Oliver Jude born 7/23/12, our NICU baby
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