July 2012 Moms

Frustrated with Pediatrician

So last thursday I took DS to the pedi for his 2 month checkup, I was concerned about a congested sound  that he has had since birth and recently he started coughing. At his 1 month check pedi told me it was normal and that it will go away, it still hasnt gone away and at the 2 month check he said it was GERD (gastroesophageal reflux) and we started thickening his bottles with rice cereal. Fast forward to today and I spent the entire night waking up off and on due to the cough that seems to have  gotten worse then it was last week and now I am worried that there is something else going on. I have decided to find a new pediatrician (not for this reason only) and am hoping to get DS in there soon to get a second opinion.
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