
c-section "guilt"

(also posted on my BMB and the natural birth board)  

i am really struggling with my c-section "decision" right now. i know it was the best thing for Marian and myself both because of her heartrate dropping during labour/my blood pressure/entire lack of progressing/etc, but i am encountering some serious guilt being piled on me by those around me, as well as by myself. i went into this planning and training for a natural childbirth (Bradley Method) that would have been a homebirth if DH had not strongly disagreed. and having to have a CS almost makes me feel like i failed. 

add to this, i was told today by a woman "friend" (HA!) that there is no way i could bond with my baby as well as a mother who had a vaginal delivery because my body did not release the "love hormone" through this type of delivery and we would both be traumatized for life now. i know that has to be absolute bullsh!t, but it made this hormonal mama cry for a good hour straight. i love my baby so much, and i know i did the best thing for her health and for my own.

but even still, i'm really feeling low about this tonight. have any other of you post-section mamas felt this way, especially those who were emergent and unplanned? is this normal to feel this way? or am i just dealing with stupid people who need to be cut and throat-punched? 

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