1st Trimester


Hi ladies. About two weeks ago I took about 7 pregnancy tests, all positive. Went to see my doctor, got my hcg levels done last Wednesday, and they are rising, first at 130ish and double Saturday to 390. My doctor hasn't said anything about me even being pregnant. Im on prenatals always "incase". My doctor Hasn't mentioned ANYTHING to be when I told her I was pregnant, and retested in her office. Emails me today, saying "well maybe we should check your levels again this week". This is a regular, family doctor (I know I should prob see an OB). Never mentions anything on how im feeling when I say im nauseous, abdominal cramps, etc. I am blood type O+ so I need Rhogam shots, inquired about that when I found out I was pregnant. I feel like my doctor doesn't care. Using a few different apps they all say I should be about 5 weeks and days along. I guess im just confused as to what my next step is?

 I am super paranoid about being pregnant. Had a horrid experience back in March. Found out I was pregnant, 6 weeks, then started bleeding really bad. "Had" a miscarriage, however my HCG levels were high, and rising still after my "miscarriage". Had ultrasounds after, the ultrasound doctor told me to to wait, everything looked normal. The OB told me I needed to have an abortion, or "miss-abortion". Getting two different opinions and having to choose was probably the hardest things for me to do. I had it, only because I was told my health was in danger.

  I guess I just want to know if anyone else has experienced anything like this, or has any advice? I need to be patient, im sure. Im just too excited lol....


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