1st Trimester

S/O jogging strollers

I replied in the running post below, but wanted to ask you all what you thought about my stroller issue. Yes, it's early, but I need to think about it NOW-- this sh*t's 'spensive. 


I will need a double jogger AND a double/tandem stroller. Yes, DD will be 4.5 when the new LO arrives, but she is not capable of walking for long distances or being trusted in large, crowded areas (she's a darter and has no sense of stranger danger). My issue is this:

Should I buy separate strollers (A BOB double and Joovy Ergo Caboose), totaling around $1000, or should I buy a Chariot Carrier CX2, which is convertible from regular stroller to jogger... even to a bike trailer? It is around $1000, as well, plus the conversion kits.

Storage has me leaning toward the Chariot, but it's also HUGE and bulky. Plus, I'd have to carry the conversion kits in the car. With the BOB double (again, not a tiny stroller), I'd have this huge stroller sitting in my hall closet, only to wrestle with them to switch out the regular stroller and jogger in the car if we drove somewhere for a long run. 



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