1st Trimester

Heard the Heartbeat!!!

Yesterday, at work, I got really sick and weak.  I called my doctor and he advised that I go to the emergency room.  When I got there, they indicated that I was dehydrated and so they started giving me fluids.  They also gave me my first ultrasound.  I wasn't expecting to hear anything based on where I am in my pregnancy, but all of a sudden, I heard this thumping sound.  I asked them what was that, and the lady said it is the baby's heartbeat and I burst out crying.  They said I am measuring 6 wks 2 days.  And also that there is some endometrial bleeding, which has me kind of worried, but we are praying for the best.
~~~~~The Real Mrs. Simes~~~~~ BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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