July 2012 Moms

Enfamil Coupons

I have two Enfamil $4.00 checks that expire 9/30, if you want them PM me with your address and I'll put them in the mail tonight.
TTC since 2010
High FSH/Low AMH - DX DOR March/April/May 2011 Clomid - BFN; 6/2011 Femara - BFN
July 2011 Femara + IUI - BFN
August 2011 Injectables + IUI - BFN
Surprise BFP 11/2/11!!!
Beta #1 - 9; Beta #2 - 39; Beta #3 - 197!! Yay!!
11/19/11 - we have a heartbeat! Get comfy, baby! Baby girl born 7/12/12, she's perfect! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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