July 2012 Moms

Oh DH...you're cute

Ok, I forgive my DH for having a horrible mother.  Just now, we're both staring at LO, who has refused to sleep all day and isn't appearing to want to go down for the night either.  He says, "Ok, I give up, let's give her some rice cereal or something."  I look at him and say, "One, no.  Because she's too little.  And, two: we don't have any." 

And he looks at me all bleary eyed and says, "We have rice though...don't we just boil it and mash it or something?"

Oh DH.  You're so cute.  I got a laugh and said, "And what? Add milk to it?" 

Do any of your DH's or SO's do the same?  It reminds me of the day we put the RNP together and he was all, "Now, what is this thing for again?" 

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