1st Trimester

Happy Sad Situtation :(

So, I'm currently 7 weeks pregnant, I've had my first ultrasound and got to see the little peapod and heartbeat! I was so excited and happy. However it was short lived (it shouldn't have been but it was) as my long-term boyfriend of over 3 years has decided to have nothing to do with me or it. He was extremely pissed off I said no abortions as it goes against everything I value and believe, told me I was being selfish for only considering my feelings in this and to never call him again unless it was to tell him I got rid of it. I'm ripped apart by this, I'm happy but I feel heartbroken at the same time and I just dont' want him to rob me of this precious moment in my life, yet I feel powerless to stop how I am feeling about it. Any thoughts? Advice?
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