July 2012 Moms

Speaking of crazy MIL's...

I know.  This is the new "is this labor or BH???" post, but I have to vent or else I'll scream!

I got my IUD put in last monday, I had no problems with the actual insertion but I felt like crap the rest of the day, (backaches, spotting...pms type stuff).  I hear DH on the phone just a little while ago...and OMG this is what I hear from his end:

"She went last Monday."  "Yeah, she got it."  "In her uterus."  "Yeah, she felt bad on monday but she's fine now."  "Yeah, ok mom.  Ok...bye."

I'm now looking at him like he's suddenly turned pink with green stripes.  I ask him what the hell he was doing talking about my UTERUS with his MOTHER and he said, well, you don't want to know what she suggested.  I said, "Oh, well, she gets to know everything, you might as well tell me what she said."  And she said, and I quote:

"If it hurt so much and was so expensive, why doesn't she just keep her legs closed?"




DH has since: changed a poopie diaper, rocked LO to sleep, gotten me my favorite beer, and made dinner...and I'm *still* giving him the stink-eye.  We'll see if HE gets any tonight!  I'm "keeping my legs closed." 

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