1st Trimester

bad news?!? Not sure what to think....

XP from May 2013 board:

Back to MD today for a follow up US. Last week went in with the thought that I was 6 wks 4 days, but no heartbeat and only measuring 6 wks. At that point we were assuming maybe our calculations were off a bit, and were not so much based on my LMP date (which would put me at 7 weeks 2 days today). So we went back today for a follow up and saw the heartbeat (YAY!!) at 123 bpm. But....there was very little overall growth and I am only measuring 6 wks and 1 day. So basically one days growth since wednesday. The MD said that even though the heartrate is normal, he's concerned with the slow growth. We go back in a week, but he basically said we only have about a 15-20% change of this being a "normal" pregnancy (not sure what road he was going down with that one...). I just started feeling queasy for the first time yesterday so I am still hoping that the days are just off and the growth is just a little different. On the US screen it said 6 weeks 1 day +/- 4 days so I am  also hoping (lots of hoping going on here!) that accuracy may be an issue, but its still tearing me up inside!! 

Has this happened to anyone else where the MD wasn't pleased with the growth rate? Did it even out or did the pregnancy end up being normal more down the line? I am so scared now and 7 days is an eternity to wait!!!  

BFP 9/1/12, EDD 5/11/13; heartbeat 9/24/12, heartbeat gone 10/2/12; D&E 10/5/12 Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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