July 2012 Moms

Feeling like a new woman after a sh!tty night

So, I almost quit breastfeeding last night at 11 pm.  Please tell me 6 weeks is a growth spurt because last night went

(after him feeding all. day. long.)

8:45-9:10- on the breast

9:15 - 4 oz bottle breastmilk (normal bedtime routine)

9:30-11:00- left boob, right boob, left boob with screaming/crying in between.

11:00- rocking him with tears streaming down my face thinking he's starving because he's still crying and clawing at the air.  He had burped numerous times.  Was it gas ?  Was it hunger?  Was it overtired because he hadn't slept ALL day? 

I was at the end of my rope.  Woke up DH so I could go thaw some breastmilk from the freezer because my boobs were freaking EMPTY.  Came back upstairs at 11:15 and he was asleep.  UGHH!!

Anyway...after a night of tears (from both of us) I went back to the gym today because their child sitting room takes 6 weeks +.  I was a total gym rat before baby and it felt SO good to get in a workout!!! This will be my new daily routine!!! Woo hoo!!! 

Okay, just had to get that all out.  He's up now! Little man wants boob again! Surprise 

Anyone else almost back to their old gym routines?  It felt great, and will hopefully help break the weight loss plateau.  Annnnnd will probably mess with my supply, but I will cross that bridge when I come to it...sigh.

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