1st Trimester

Hi, #'s aren't climbing

Hi girls,

It's my first time posting on the Bump, I've been reading posts till I felt comfortable on posting. Hubby and I found out we were pregnant last week. Doc had me do blood work last Wed and Friday. Just got the call and the numbers are not climbing as fast as they should. Wed's #'s came back at 42 and Friday's came back at 58. I'm not sure if that's 42 hundred or just 42. I'm scheduled for another round of blood work this Friday. Any one else go through this or share some info that will ease my mind?

Feeling more nauseous today then I was over the weekend.

We had a miscarriage in May at 5 weeks and was told to wait three months before trying again which brings us to now. We started trying in the first month and we are now pregnant. Hope eveything is doing well and thank you in advance for any feedback.


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