July 2012 Moms

paci users

Does your LO use the paci to go to sleep at naps/night? LO all of a sudden is using the soothie style paci as well as wanting to suck her thumb when she is tired. Sometimes she can use the soothie to put herself to sleep. In the middle of the night, she wakes up looking for something to suck on (I think it is more this than being hungry although she does still eat 1-2 times per night).  Since she is swaddled, she can't get to her thumb and  we have to go put the paci in her mouth.   I'm not loving having to wake up to put the paci in but it seems like the only other options are 1) put her on the boob even though she's not really hungry (obviously when she is truly hungry, I nurse her)   2) bounce/rock her back to sleep.  What's your experience/thoughts on this?


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