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Mom problems

My son is 20 months old and he's starting to show signs that he doesn't care for my mom. I think my mom is starting to pick up on this and she'll make up an excuse like there's too many people in the room or he's not comfortable with us yet or he thinks they're strangers. I've always tried to make it over to their house once a week. I'll call and I'll get a response of just come over if you want. There seems to always be a comment on how she never sees us often enough, but she never invites us over. 90% of the time I'm the one that sets it up. We live 5 miles away and my son likes my dad just fine.

Now, I think the problem is my son just doesn't have a reason to like my mom. She doesn't really play with him or give him any candy or anything. When we have my parents watch him my dad seems to do all the work. My mom seems to expect him to sit and play quietly. My son likes to run around outside and do typical boy stuff. My mom just kinda sits there and will talk to him now and then. And when she tries to pick him up he squirms away (he doesn't like being picked up for no reason).

He's a really good kid and he's pretty easy. He gets along with all our friends and all my wife's family. It's starting to worry me that he's not into my mom and my mom isn't really helping herself out. I'm not really for sure what to do. I don't really want to say anything and I can't just make him like my mom. I haven't seen any signs of my mom changing either.

Any advice? Woman advice is also welcome.


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