July 2012 Moms

Reading cues

I feel like I've lost my touch at reading cues.
I have the tired cue and bored cue down to a science, but I'm messing up his hunger cues all the time! Sometimes I think I feed him when he is just gassy..so really the opposite needs to happen, and sometimes I think I'm trying everything else when he is just hungry. He used to eat on a good 3 hour schedule that was easy to predict...now sometimes it's an hour and a half to 2 hours, then other times 4 hours.
I just don't know how to keep it consistent, I don't want to be feeding him every time when there could be something else wrong..I think another thing messing me up is his naps are shorter, so when he wakes up he's not hungry right away; which means it's turning into an awake and play/feed/awake but drifting/sleep routine rather than an eat/awake and play/sleep one.
How do you read your LO's cues and how do you keep their routine consistent?

ETA: I should add that LO used to be pretty obvious when hungry with the rooting, certain type of cry, and head banging my chest if I pick him up, but lately I've discovered he does the same thing if gassy, and I'm failing at differentiating the two.
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