
Survey: What kinds of things were allowed during/after ?

Since I'm "lucky" (ha) enough to be having a scheduled C-section for my first baby, I'm trying to plan out as much as I can beforehand. I'm extremely scared of needles and hospitals and medical procedures, so I'm trying to see what kind of allowances I can get away with. It would be nice to know if some of these things are crazy and never allowed or if they would even be a possibility. Would love some feedback before I discuss these things with my doctor later this week. Thanks in advance!

Was your C-section scheduled or emergency?

Was your husband allowed to be there when you got your epi or spinal block? 

Were you allowed to listen to music (either via headphones or have any voice in what was played in the OR?)

Did they allow any cameras in the OR? 

Did they require both arms to be strapped down or perhaps would they let you leave one free?

How soon did you touch the baby? In the OR , in recovery, later?

How soon did you nurse the baby? In the OR, in recovery, later? 

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