
Not eating before c/s? I don't think I can!

My c/s is scheduled for Oct 2nd, arriving at the hospital at 9:30am for an 11am ish surgery.  My OB gave me the list of rules, and one of them is "no eating after midnight".  I'm normally up every 2-3 hours during the night to eat, because I am starving.  Like last night I ate a croissant around midnight, a granola bar around 3am, a banana around 6am, then woke up and had a bowl of cereal at 10am, and some toast with peanut butter at 11am.  If I don't get out of bed and eat, I feel really nauseous and pukey.

Last night as I was eating my banana, I was thinking "there's no way I will be able to not eat for 10 ish hours" Crying

My first c/s was unexpected, and I had eaten about 4 hours before the surgery, they just gave me a drink of something nasty to neutralize my stomach.  It tasted disgusting!  But it worked apparently.

I have another appointment on Tuesday and will be asking my OB about it then...but just curious, if you had to fast, did you make it ok?  Is there something that's REALLY filling that I could eat around 11:45pm that would make me feel full for 10+ hours?

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