July 2012 Moms

** blueloo123 **

Yes, I'm still pumping every 2 hours! Almost on the dot! How do I reduce it without getting clogs? I've started to only pump for comfort now in the night but it seems my breasts are engorged 2 hours later and I start to feel hard lumps (the beginning of clogged ducts?) so I hurry up to pump... even when DD is sound asleep! I hate it! I want to be sound asleep too! And when she does feed she doesn't nurse both breasts so the other one always needs to be relieved too. So I'm usually pumping 2-4 times a night. Usually 3. I'm getting chopped up sleep and I don't want to do this for 9 more months. What did you do? Every 6 hours? Did your supply drop?
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