July 2012 Moms

Ugh postpartum sex (TMI)

MH and I tried to have sex for the first time today and it did NOT go well. I'm 10 weeks PP now and got the all-clear from the OB at 6 weeks (but I've been scared). I had a 60-hour labor, a 10+ pound baby, and a 3rd degree tear. Turns out that wrecks your lady parts for a long time. Basically when we tried it hurt like all get-out, even though we went super slow and used lube, and I had to put on the brakes almost immediately. 

For those of you who've have successful PP sex, any tips for me? Do I just need to give my bits more time to heal? Or will it get better if we just keep trying? Like, do we need to "work the area" or leave it alone?

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