1st Trimester

Prometrium for low progesterone??? (quite long sorry)

Hello everyone.. 

 I am 6 wks 2days and have been having mild-moderate cramping since I found out was pregnant at 4 wks. Dr had me do blood work at 5 wks 3 days and my HCG was 2950 but my progesterone was low. They started me on Prometrium capsules and I have been taking them vaginally for 5 nights now. For some reason every night since I started them I have woke up with intense period like cramps for about 1-2 minutes and then they go away. Is this normal? I really feel like the Prometrium is causing it.. I have had a miscarriage before so and quite nervous to say the least. My breasts are beyond sore but other than that the symptoms come and go (slight nausea and fatigue.) please if you know anything about this, help !  

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