July 2012 Moms

How much does your lo weigh?

So at our 2 month appt yesterday, Brooklyn weighed in at 9lbs 8oz.  She is 22 and 1/2 inches long.  The pedi wasn't concerned because she is gaining about .6 per week which is "acceptable".  I feel bad though because we had trouble with her spitting up for a while there so we were slowly upping her oz's.  I feel like a horrible mommy still because she was only in the 10th percentile in weight.  We are going to up her oz's to 5 per feeding after she's feeling better, I think we may start with 4.5 and see if she tolerates, then up to 5.  Any ideas on how to make her transition a little easier?  I want to fatten this girl up!
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