July 2012 Moms

my kid is antisocial, fudge

H and I are very social people and like to do dinner w friends, family, go places w LO etc...she is 12 weeks today...but she just does NOT like to be out and about.  When we go somewhere its a pretty good guarantee shes gonna throw a fit @ least SOME time while we are there.  I want to give her everything she needs but it bums me out that she is such a homebody. She starts daycare on Monday, maybe that will help her adjust better?

 If we are out somewhere that I am not able to rock her she just WONT fall asleep on her on if shes tired (the main reason she cries when we go out). For example if we were @ home when it was time for her to take a nap Id rock her or put her in her swing but when we are away from home it is impossible to fall asleep even in her carseat and then she gets overtired. This post was mostly just to vent but is anyone elses LO more of a homebody? 

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