July 2012 Moms

Anyone else join MOPS?

If you haven't and you can go to the meetings, you might want to check it out. I went on Wednesday and loved it!

MOPS=Mothers of Preschoolers but it's for moms of kids birth-5. The motto is something like "no mom mothering alone" and the other moms were very nice. It was a great way to meet other SAHM. All of the girls in my group had careers prior to SAH so it was nice to be able to connect and talk about transitioning from having that identity to being a SAHM. We made a craft, had breakfast, chatted, listened to a speaker, etc. My MOPS chapter meets at a church with awesome childcare and it's free for MOPS so it was a nice childfree 2.5 hours :)

 Anyway, hope this helps someone. TB is great but it's really nice to connect with some other moms IRL.

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