
My 9 month olds still aren't sleeping well at night

My guys are 9 months and still not sleeping well at night.  Falling asleep isn't a problem--it's sleeping longer than 4 hours at a time.  Our current schedule is something like this:

5:30-6- dinner time.  Usually they get a veggie and a fruit

6:30-7- bath time

7:30-8 p.m. nurese than bed

11 p.m.- Baby A wakes/nurses/goes to sleep

12 a.m- Baby B wakes/nurses/goes to sleep

2 a.m- Baby A wakes/nurse/goes to sleep

3 a.m.- Baby B wakes/nurses/goes to sleep

This basically continues until 7 a.m.

When they were younger and needed a more frequent feeding schedule I would freed them both at the same time.  I'm trying to encourage them not to wake and eat so I'm not waking a sleeping baby to eat.  But-- they are still wanting to eat every 4 hours and sometimes more.  

I have tried to let them cry it out, but it doesn't work very well and they always end up waking the other one up. They sleep in the same room but not the same crib.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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