1st Trimester

Question for TTC!

Hey Ladies!

I thought I would ask you all since you guys are the ones who are pregnant! (I've been pregnant before, but never actually tracked my cycle)

Here is my question when did you guys get pregnant (If you tracked)? On ovulation day? Day before? 2 days before? I know some of you may not know if you had sex every day... but curious to the ones that didn't.

I only ask because my husband is out on a buisness trip and the last time we had sex was Monday night! I know that there is a possiblilty but just wanted to see how many of you may of gotten pregnant. I actually read two different articles and both said your chances of conceiving a few days before ovulation are higher becasue the sperm is waiting for the egg to be released. I thought I would actually ask pregnant people though.

Thanks for your help! Smile

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