1st Trimester

Subchorionic Bleed

Good morning everyone!  I've been lurking for a bit and figured I would post this morning.  My name is Sarah and I am the proud mama of a just about 6 month old. We just found out that we are pregnant again and I am 7 weeks tomorrow.  I had a question because my first pregnancy was uneventful .  I had an ultrasound last Friday, saw the heartbeat at 108bpm and everything was great.  The tech said it all looked normal and so did my doctor's nurse when I spoke to her on Monday.  

I had my intake appt yesterday at 6 weeks 5 days and I mentioned that my nurse had wanted me to get another ultrasound because we were unsure of the dating. The nurse practicioner looked at my chart and said, "Oh I see why.  You have a small subchorionic bleed and they just want to check on it."  I was shocked that no one had mentioned it before.  But I guess since it wasn't mentioned I shouldn't worry.  Of course the all mighty and powerful Google, can make anyone nervous.  

 I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with this and could offer some advice.  I'm not bleeding and I feel fine, but I can't help but get anxious. Sorry for the lengthy post. 

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