1st Trimester

Update: First Ultrasound Today!!

And we have a heartbeat!!! Woooo!

I have to tell you, my heart jumped a bit and I had a shot of adrenaline when she pointed out the little flicker. FI says he teared up because had been so worried.

Thank you ladies for your well wishes! 

Now maybe you ladies can help me clear something up in my head. The tech was measuring out the fetal pole...around 3.5mm and said I was at around 4w3d.  This confused me because I've read that the fetal pole doesn't really show up till week 6...

I asked her if she meant the fetal age vs conception + 2wks. She said no, that I was for sure 4w3d. 

Would any of you agree with me that I think she misunderstood my question perhaps? Because 4w3d would put me at getting pregnant a day after I got my BFP...


But overall SUPER EXCITED! Thanks again ladies :) 

ETA: Adding a picture of our little peanut :) 


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