Chicago Babies

PSA - anyone looking for a great ultrasound place??

So I have a friend who just got a 3D/4D ultrasound through this new place in Orland Park called My Baby Bump 3D 4D Ultrasound.  I wish I would have known about them when I was preggo, but at least I know about them for my second!  :)  The images were so clear - I swear the baby looks just like her husband!!!  My friend took me with so I could see the whole process, and she even got to bring her grandma too!  The lady that did the ultrasound's name was Mary - she was so nice.  I am not sure how many technicians they have, but if you can get her, she's awesome. 

 Anyway, they're offering 10% off of any package if you mention this thread.  Their website is  Have fun!  :)

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