Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Greetings from Mansfield, TX!

Hi ladies,

       I am not new to the site, but I am returning to the area, as my husband and I found out on yesterday, our 2 year anniversary, that we are expecting our fifth child.  We have a blended family composed of two girls and two boys.  This will be our first together, so we are so excited.  But I am also scared.  There are numerous issues that make my pregnancy a high risk pregnancy, so we are staying prayerful that this issues do not rear their heads.  I am looking forward to chatting with you all and having others to get me through this process.  I am in an area away from my family with few friends here, so it feels like I am alone at times.  But just from looking at the posts I have seen, it looks like you all are a close knit group which I am happy to be a part of.


~~~~~The Real Mrs. Simes~~~~~ BabyFetus Ticker BabyFruit Ticker Pregnancy Ticker
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