1st Trimester

OMG Ginger tea for m/s = lifesaver!

I've been having really bad bouts of m/s. I'm throwing up all day, everyday. I'm taking B6, wearing my seabands, eating crackers. Nothing seems to work. Today, I decided to have some ginger tea as soon as I got into work a couple of hours ago because I was already starting to feel unwell. So far so good. I feel well and have a little bit more energy than I did yesterday. If you haven't tried it yet and you're going through some m/s, try some ginger tea. I think they sell the tea bags or you can brew some with fresh ginger and a little sugar and lemon for taste. I was told to drink ginger ale, but the carbonation makes me nauseous. Just thought I'd share for those suffering as much as me Wink 

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