1st Trimester

ectopic? (a bit long)

I hope I'm posting this on the right board.

I am about 4 1/2 weeks.  This is my first pregnancy and I am 31.  For the past few days I've been having general annoying, uncomfortable cramps that feel like my period might be coming.  I understand this can be completely normal. I have not seen any blood. 

Before trying to conceive, I have taken birth control for most of my adult like to ease the symptoms of dysmennoreah.  My cramps without it can get so bad I have to lie down to avoid fainting, I break out in cold sweats, and feel like I need to vomit.  The pain is so bad I am completely unable to function anywhere beyond my own bedroom.

Very early this morning I was woken by the same cramps.  They were both in my lower abdomen and lower back (not just one side).  It is such an intense stabbing pain it's almost unbearable.  It only lasted for a total of 10 or 15 minutes.  I walked around a bit which seemed to make them much better, and then used a heating pad on low for a little while. Eventually I was able to fall back asleep.

My OB had me go in for some bloodwork today to check my hcg levels.  I go back again Thursday morning for more bloodwork and they are supposed to call me by the afternoon with the results.

My mind is spinning with negativity right now, which I know will not do me any good!  I keep wondering if my dysmennoreah is a result of endometriosis, which could cause scarring and an ectopic pregnancy.  My mom had one too, so in a panic (and needing someone to talk to) I called her today.  I had planned on waiting to tell her I was pregnant at all and this was an unfortunate way to do it.

Has anyone ever experienced anything similar?  I don't mind honesty - I actually prefer it - but please don't scare the crap out of me if you can help it.  Any tips on getting things like this off your mind for a couple of days so you can carry on with your work?

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