
Experience with breech C-section ?

I'm pretty devastated about my scheduled C-section for breech presentation. I know I'm *only* 36 weeks and he can still turn, but he's been breech since 17 weeks so I'm thinking it's a cord issue, uterus issue, or he REALLY likes being breech. I've tried everything (spinning babies, acupuncture, chiropractor, etc) with no avail. So at this point, I need to start mentally preparing for a C-section and I'd love some help!

 *If you had a breech C-section - when did you schedule it for? Did you wait for your due date or schedule it for 39 or so weeks?

*What are the advantages of trying to schedule the C-section before I go into labor? Does this matter that much?

*What kind of incision did you get for a breech baby? I'm worried they will have to do a vertical incision and I won't be a good VBAC candidate.

 *My placenta is anterior. I'm guess this doesn't matter at all? Anyone with experience with this? 

Any other tips, advice, etc related to breech presentation C-sections? Thanks in advance!

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