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Family kicked off plane

This is some local news I thought I'd let you guys read/discuss/comment/do whatever you please with. 


An unruly child led to a family being removed from a Delta Air Lines flight departing Kansas City International Airport.

An upset Matthew Streeter contacted KCTV5 Sunday night. He said he and his family, including his 6-year-old daughter, had been in Kansas City for a funeral.

They were returning about 4 p.m. when his daughter became unruly. He spoke to KCTV5's Andy Sherer.

"You need to get her to settle down," Streeter recalled the flight attendant telling him.

He said the flight attendant warned him that if the child didn't become more docile that the family would be forced off the plane. At that point, Streeter said he put his hand over his daughter's mouth to muffle her cries, but he said that agitated a nearby passenger.

He said that passenger accused him of trying to suffocate his daughter, but he said he would never do anything to hurt her. Streeter said the pilot even came out to talk to him.

Streeter was upset that Delta booted his family from the plane, saying the flight should have been able to take off and a bigger issue was made of his daughter's behavior than should have been.

Delta told KCTV5 that the family was incredibly disruptive and didn't comply with instructions from the flight crew. Eventually, the family was escorted off the plane and Delta agents refunded their money.

The family booked a flight through U.S. Airways and flew out of Kansas City later on Sunday.

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