1st Trimester

Confused! Am I or aren't I? What do ya'll think?

So i'll try to keep this short... I have completely missed a period (3 weeks late now) and have had nausea. I took 2 home pregnancy tests (I guess after 1 week late) and both said negative. I waited 3 days and took another. It was a veryyyy faint positive but I know i'm not crazy.It WAS there. And when I was pregnant with my daughter the test was faint then too. I scheduled an appt and was told I was not pregnant. ....?!?!?! So I took a test yesterday (1 more week later -ish). It says to give it 3 minutes but with-in 30 seconds it was 2 clear as day pink lines (used a different brand). The left line that is added when you're pregnant was actually darker than the other line. So we got all excited and told family unlike waiting til first appt like with daughter. I have a fear that it was a false positive. What are the chances of that? I guess I feel that way because i'm getting cramps pretty bad off and on like i'm getting ready to start (and have had them the past few days). I don't remember that with my first. So from all of this i'm most likely pregnant right? lol. I get so paranoid.
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