1st Trimester

2 Week Dr's Appt --- Newbie

Hello  ladies... I was on  TTC but got 4 positives pregnancy test between last Thursday and this Sunday so I am here now....Thanks in advance for all your support.

So I am about 2 weeks as I ovulated on 9/2.  But my LMP was 7/17 so the doctors office wanted me to come in asap.

I was surprised when the doctor wanted to do an ultrasound.  We seen nothing :( I figured we wouldn't but she then went into ectopic pregnancy and doing another ultrasound tomorrow with a specialist.  Basically I was FREAKED.

I spoke with my father in law who is also a  gyno who talked me off the ledge.  He agreed it was much too soon. He did suggest I go in for the second ultrasound just to be on the safe side.

Have any of you ladies experienced this? What did you do??  I am going to sleep on it and figure it out in the morning but def have mind to change doctors...


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