1st Trimester

Intro and HCG Question

Hi everyone! After one miscarriage and over 1 1/2 years of trying unsucessfully, I just found out that I am pregnant on my third round of Clomid. DH and I are thrilled. I went in today to have blood work done (I'm only 13 days past ovulation) and just got my results back.

HCG: 24

Progesterone: 26.8

That's much better than my first pregnancy where my HCG was 10 and Progesterone was 1, but the nurse said she is very concerned with my low HCG level and said she thinks it may not be viable. Does anyone have experience with this or have any words of encouragement? I feel like at just 4w 1 day I shouldn't be too concerned, but I just can't help but feel nervous. Is there something that I can ask the doctor to do that might help increase my levels? Thanks in Advance-

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CP - October 2011 (5 weeks and 6 days) BFP Sept 2012 (Round 3 of Clomid) M/C - October 2012 (9 weeks w/ no dev. after 5 weeks) BFP - December 2012 - Only 6 weeks after M/C! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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