Single Parents

Divorce and newly pregnant

Hello, I am new to this board.  Here is my story in a summary:

A few weeks ago, DH and I decided we were ready to try for baby we tried.  We went on a vacation for 2 weeks and had a huge, huge fight for the duration of the trip.  When returning home (last Monday), he told me he wants a divorce.  Friday I took a pregnancy test, and lucky us, I am pregnant...

Our relationship has always been one that needs extra work, but overall we were working on things and both wanting to make things work.  After this fight, he decided that he no longer wants to be married to me.

When I told him about the pregnancy, he told me congratulations and that he would always support me, our son and the baby- implication financially.

 I have stayed home for the past 3 years with our son, and now am facing returning to work.  I do have a masters degree and 8 years of experience, but this is all so overwhelming.  

If anyone has been in a similar situation, I would love some words of encouragement or advice.  I feel so lost right now. Thanks. 

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