
Anybody else 4 weeks out? How ya feeling?

Tomorrow it'll be 4 weeks since I had my RCS and I'm still feeling like crap.  Doc said I had a lot of scar tissue from DS#1 and DS#2 ended up spending a week in the NICU, so I was up and moving around pretty quickly, so I could visit with him as much as possible.  I did end up with an infection in my incision, which I just finished 10 days of antibiotics for, but i'm not sure that's completely healed yet.  


I guess I just want to know how everybody else is doing so I know what's normal and what's not.  Personally, I still have lumps and bumps under my incision, my side hurts near my hip/back, and my stomach muscles are still achey when I try to stand up/ get out of bed.  


Jack ~ 25 months imageBabyFruit Ticker
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