1st Trimester

Had blood work this morning - all 7 vials!

I was given 3 pieces of paper for what I can assume is for 3 different blood tests. One was for routine 10-13 wk test, one was "perinatal screen request" (genetic test since I don't have the option for an NT scan) and another for HIV, Syphilis, blood type, and a bunch of other stuff was listed. Then, I had to give a urine sample. I tried to count how many vials she had, but she sure had an entire handful!! 

This is where I have to laugh at myself. The nurse handed me a moist towelette package and a cup and said "wipe with this, and then pee midstream into this" - I asked how much she just said "a little bit"

So, I get into the bathroom and think "wait, am I supposed to wipe DOWN THERE with this or my hands? surely she didn't mean down there, that will burn! it has alcohol in it and won't that get in the test? it must be for my hands..." so I take it out and use it on my hands, and finish the test. I had NO idea what "a little bit" meant so I gave just over half and put it in their "secret cupboard" -- only to find someone else's test that was completely full. I told my friend this and she just laughed and said "you know, you only need to fill 1/4 of the cup" 

aaand that's my story for the day lol 

TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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