1st Trimester

How to handle Grandma-to-be

I'm pregnant with my first child and my whole family is very excited because this will be the first grandbaby on my side. I love seeing how happy everyone is for my husband and I but my mother is already overstepping her bounds. She wants to go to my appts. with me, she keeps talking about being in the delivery room(which I don't want) and she keeps pestering me about when she can brag(her word) to certain family members about being a Grandma. I told her from the start that I didn't want to tell extended family until after my first trimester. Every time I talk to her she brings it up. We spoke a few nights ago and I told her she was pressuring me and that she needed to wait for me to tell her I was ready. I didn't raise my voice or anything but she started crying and turned it into a whole thing about how I'm always mad at her and my dad can be excited but she can't. This isn't true at all but once she gets like that there is no point in trying to reason with her. She eventually hung up. 

Anyway, sorry for the long rant. My question is how to establish boundaries before LO arrives. I want it made clear from the start that this is my child and my husband and I will make the decisions. She wants to do all these things with my that my husband should be doing. We are going to a clinic that just does ultrasounds to find out the gender and inviting family so she will be able to see one ultrasound. I don't want her to go to the Dr. with me. It's just never enough for her. Does anyone have a family member who gets emotional like this and won't listen to reasonable explanations? I don't know how to handle her anymore. 

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