1st Trimester

Trying to calm twins paranoia!

I am almost 8 weeks along with my second child and the notion has come into my head that I'm having twins. I am pretty sure this is just paranoia, because I get this way about a lot of crazy things, but I still want to chillax about this because I'm not seeing the midwife for another 5 days and don't want to lose my mind! Help calm me down, please, or confirm my suspicions if you must. Just give me some thoughts other than my own!


This whole thing started because I started to show this week. It was like, BAM! I woke up one day and there was the bump. I look about 12 weeks preggo when last week I barely had a pooch. So I started to feel around for the top of the uterus, and I can easily feel it about even with my pelvic bones (in height). 


I am about 98% sure I have my dates right so I don't think I'm farther along, and I know with subsequent pregnancies you show earlier, but I've read that you can't feel the uterus externally until about 12 weeks ? unless you're having multiples.


I have no other reason for thinking it's twins. I do have an aunt (my dad's sister) who inexplicably had twins, but otherwise there are no other factors. I don't have severe morning sickness (I don't really have any, actually) but I am REALLY exhausted and my sense of smell is INTENSE. Otherwise, everything seems pretty mild.


So, what say you, ladies? Paranoia, or potential hunch? 


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