
CS or VBAC??

Hi Ladies,

I am a far and few between poster but always lurking. We've got about one month until LO arrives and I am now faced with the actual decision to have a VBAC or repeat CS. I've done the research, thought about it, talked about it with midwives, doctors, in-laws (ugh), parents, and of course DH. I have a counseling appointment scheduled next week with an MD. I want to try for a natural delivery but I don't want to be in labor for 3 days and finally have a CS like last time. I was exhausted and it was not a positive, happy, beautiful experience. As of right now we are going to schedule a CS at 41 weeks in hopes that labor begins (and progresses) naturally. If they want to induce then I will have the CS. If I don't go into labor then I will have the scheduled CS. However, I am honestly nervous about a VBAC. It seems like the risks are higher. But I also want to avoid the recovery of a CS. I am so indecisive. All I know is that I want a happy, healthy little girl and mumma at the end of it all. I was just wondering if anyone is in the same boat or has any words of encouragement or wisdom to share. Thanks! 

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