1st Trimester

Frustrated... maybe I need to vent

Im frustrated with trying to get in to see my doctor. She's transfered from the office where I started seeing her (3 years ago) to another office, and they dont have my history so they're trying to avoid booking an appointment with me until Im 8 weeks. I have a FEW issues with this. 

1) I had 3 miscarriages in 9 months and am high-risk and would like to begin blood draws.

2) I am 5 weeks or so, based on having a period in August, which was actually really light and Im pretty sure it was more like implantation bleeding than a period... two of the miscarriages I had occured at 8 weeks but I carried until my 11/12week appointment because I had NO idea... if I am further along Im scared and want to get into the doctor.

3) I can't seem to get a call back from anyone...  

 This is my 5th time being pregnant. My daughter is almost 5, and I didn't know I was pregnant with her until almost 12 weeks. I had no real symptoms besides sheer exhaustion and headaches, but I was also going to school full time and working so it didnt register that I might be pregnant. after taking 5 or 6 preggo tests and getting all negative, I went to my doctor. That pregnancy went totally text book. The 2nd and 3rd pregnancies ended in missed miscarriages due to chromosome disorders. The 4th pregnancy was just too close to my last d&c and was actually a complete accident (although it doesn't make it hurt any less). Since then I have divorced, not because of all of this, but it all piles up.

Even tho the issues were from the sperm side and not mine, it's still nerve wracking to be pregnant and have so far to go with everything that has gone on... 

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