1st Trimester

Hi, Intro

Hi, I am excited and happy to say that I got my BFP a couple days ago. I have lurked a bit and thought I'd post a hello. I am almost 4 weeks which I know is really early.

The news is so new that I'm don't fully believe it yet. I was married in February and I have two teens from an earlier marriage. I have suffered several losses in the past and I am terrified I will lose this one too. We had been TTC for a little while and I was charting. I love knowing from the beginning but at the same time it sucks! If I didn't know I wouldn't be so anxious right now, hoping that things go well.

And I am just wondering what you would do....

I have a doctor's appointment on October 01 just for bloodwork and to confirm the pregnancy but they offered an earlier appt if I want one. If I keep it I will be 6 weeks along at the appointment. Would you rather go in earlier or later? I guess earlier means I would have the bloodwork to show me how things are going, but later means I might be able to see how things are going. Had I not had a previous loss I wouldn't be so nervous right now.


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