1st Trimester

uncomfortable with my body (vent)

back when i was 24, i was hard core into training, eating right, loving life with a really healthy life style, lost a bunch of weight and got really toned - I even became a personal trainer. After a while, my work situation changed and I kind of fell off the wagon as far as working out and staying fit went. I managed to get into decent shape for my wedding (a yr ago) and then the pounds started coming on. I had changed careers yet again, which left me at home more often, and I started to work out less, to almost non existent. And now I'm a SAHW, and I'm pregnant (which we wanted and was planned, dont get me wrong) - but I feel like absolute crap. Not only from the all day nausea, but my clothes don't fit me nicely anymore. (we went out for our one yr wedding anniversary, and the blouse I wore was tight around the back and my stomach was poofing out) I'm too small for maternity clothes, and I could shop for normal clothes but in bigger sizes, but it's really hard for me *mentally* to prepare myself for a bigger body. I'm not overweight by any means, but my stomach definitely isn't as nice as it used to be.

I am totally fine with being pregnant and growing a baby - that part doesn't bother me. It's the in between stages (waiting to show) that bothers me. I want to take belly pix, even for how early I am, but I'm not happy with the way my body looks. The fact that I have to weigh myself before my blood test next week is making me sad - i dont want to know how much weight i've gained in a year. When I told my family we were pregnant (at 4 weeks) I had many comments about how I was looking a lot "chubbier." I feel big and bloated and ugly, i'm hungry, but i dunno what to eat - I need a total makeover - haircut, hair color, new clothes. I'm at home all day in pjs because it's the only thing that fits without looking awkward. I'm so bloated I look like I'm 4 months pregnant.

 i needed to vent to other pregnant women who may possibly understand. i dont expect anyone to have a magic answer.. maybe just tell me it'll get better?


TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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