1st Trimester

I don't know what to eat!

I feel like I'm eating like a toddler. plain pasta and fruit - it's all I'm eating these days. I have an appetite but it's not for anything I have in the house. We go grocery shopping once a week and I don't even know what to buy anymore because my tastes changes daily. My H offers to pick stuff up on his way home from work incase I want anything, but half the battle is figuring out what I want. I have tried looking up stuff on pinterest, listening to my own body, but I just don't have any idea of what I want - only things I don't want.

I was put on dicletin at week 6 after being almost hospitalized for not eating/drinking for a week due to really bad all day sickness. Now that I am eating more, I'm just lost.... I'm sick of bagels, and pasta :(  when do I start to feeling normal again??? no one in my family has had pregnancy nausea this bad before.

TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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