1st Trimester

Intro, #2 on the Way!

I found out a week and a half ago that I'm expecting baby #2.  I already have a ten month old baby bear.  Husband and I are really excited!  I've been having some spotting for the past week which just turned red yesterday, but I'm keeping positive.

I'm a WM, husband is 90% SAHD.  We're both in the army reserve and I work as a government employee for the same army unit I'm a member of.  We haven't told many family yet and won't until our dating U/S on 9 October.  I can't wait to see my little gummy bear!

H&H 9 months to everyone!

Army Girl, been in since Feb 2003 married to an Army Man, in since 1990. Daisypath Anniversary tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker BabyFetus Ticker
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